Latin America Professional Development Workshops

“Cross-curricular Content Knowledge Development is Key to Literacy”
Monday, August 26, 2019
Clarion Hotel Bogota Plaza, Colombia
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Wyndham Hotel, Ecuador
By Hector J. Ramirez
Developing literacy across Science, Math and Social Studies empowers students with the ability to develop content knowledge while taking ownership of the standards at hand. Digging deeper into expository text allows them to internalize topics, improve their understanding and own it for the long term. It’s not enough to read for what the text is saying if they do not understand its meaning. As teachers, we need to model productive behaviors and be responsive to their needs.
“Reading and Writing, the Key to English Standards Excellence”
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Clarion Hotel Bogota Plaza, Colombia
By Hector J. Ramirez
Students acquiring English can transition faster and at grade level into their second language if we amplify their experience rather than simplifying it. All students have the ability, but they need the opportunity. ELT objectives can be met sooner if the teacher owns practices and behaviors that support students’ abilities to use the language. The more they talk, the more they’ll write.
“Focused Mini Lessons that Lead to a Balanced Literacy Experience”
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Hotel Hilton, San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Friday, September 6, 2019
Hotel Marriott, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
By Hector J. Ramirez
During this event, we will have a productive dialogue regarding the importance of teaching for growth and ensuring students transfer skills and strategies. When students are given the opportunity to experience the love for reading and writing they become engaged and actively involved. Teachers have to plan opportunities in which students’ abilities shine and support growth.