Bett London 2020

Come and visit our stand at the Bett London 2020 – ND43
Wednesday-Saturday, January 22-25, 2020
London Excel
Bett in London is the world’s largest education technology show. Over four days they have more than 800 leading EdTech providers on show, 300 influential industry speakers, networking opportunities and thousands of new business leads. This year Bett UK have introduced five new solution zones, including Management Solutions, Equipment & Hardware, Teaching Tech, Learning Tech and our Global Showcase.
Make sure you don’t miss the session of Mark Baker… No Internet? No Problem!
Date: 22 Jan 2020
Time: 10:45 – 11:05
Hall: Tech in Action (North Hall)
Not everyone has access to the internet 24/7, with some teachers and students only being able to access the internet during school hours. This can result in students falling behind with homework, family members not having any involvement in student studies and teachers not being able to keep on track with student progress reports. To address this challenge Alpha Publishing developed eAlpha ‘ the LMS for Alpha Publishing, an app available on all platforms where the user can download the required lessons or assignments and then work on them without internet connection with full interactivity. eAlpha allows all students an equal chance to succeed.
Mark Baker, Lead Project Manager – Digital Projects – Alpha Publishing
Book an appointment with the team and explore our website for more information.