Alpha Science
Grades 6-8
Alpha Science Grades 6–8 Middle School is a fully integrated and immersive science experience in which the student is surrounded by Life, Earth, Space, Physical Sciences, and Engineering and Technology in all three grades.
Hands-on, student centered learning is delivered through powerful STEAM laboratories and lessons that achieve all three dimensions of the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). The program is written to fully align with the NGSS while also building strong cross-curricular connections.
Alpha Science brings international science standards to the classrooms and homes of students around the world. It introduces students to doing science from a 21st century global perspective within a context that makes sense to them.

Key Features:
✅ Fully aligned to the NGSS with Cross-Curricular Connections to CCSS English Language Arts, CCSS
Mathematics, engineering, technology, and art. The standards are clearly listed throughout the program
✅ Hands-on activities, practices, and STEAM laboratories help students develop critical-thinking skills, science literacy, understanding of experimental design, and the ability to design solutions to real-world problems
✅ Clearly defined, refined, and revisited Lesson Objectives and Essential Questions
✅ Built on the 5E Instructional Model: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate
Program Components
Student Book
The Student Book is the main resource for students. There are two light-weight volumes per grade that contain all the care content, practice, and STEAM laboratories for use in class and at home
Each lesson follows the same organized structure to fulfill the lesson objective, answer the essential question and achieve the learning standard. Lessons begin with an exploratory Directed Practice, an engaging Guided Practice, and a student-driven Full Practice. Students become more confident and willing to take ownership of their learning through this gradual release strategy.
Students make real-world connections to science through special features in their books that include: Engineering Connections, Science and Math Connections, Science and Art Connection, Science and ELA Connections, Careers in Science, Technology, and Math, ESL/ELL Strategies, and Calculator Activities.
Teacher Guide
The Teacher Guide provides assistance in all phases of the teaching cycle, complementing each page of the Student Book with wrap-around instructional support.
Teaching Connections draw the teacher’s attention to how the science content connects to other content areas. Robust teacher guidance is also delivered through Teaching Tips, ideas for differentiation, instructions for ESL/ELL support, vocabulary review, and cross-curricular connection.
The Lesson Plans, found on eAlpha, complement the Teacher Guide and allow teachers to easily customize the program around the needs of each student, the whole class, and the school calendar.
Full Scope & Sequence and NGSS Alignment charts are included.
Practice Book
The Practice Book complements the Student Book: for each lesson there are extra problems and questions that reinforce what student learn in class and refine scientific skills.
Ancillaries & Teacher Resources
Anchor Activities
Anchor Activities are engaging activities that encourage active learning and exploration while reinforcing foundational concept, a quick, fun opening for each lesson. There are three levels of differentiated activities to meet the students at their own level of readiness for new material. Teacher support for implementation, materials lists, alignment, and procedures are included in the Lesson Plans. These activities are available both as printable and interactive pages on eAlpha.
Exit Activities
Exit Activities are short and fun formative assessments to complete at the end of each lesson. They provide the teacher with a quick snapshot of each student’s understanding of the lesson. Teacher support for implementation procedures is included in the Lesson Plans. These activities are available both as printable and interactive pages on eAlpha.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans are available as downloadable, editable, and printable pages on eAlpha. They contain pacing, materials lists, vocabulary, preparation tips, procedures for the Anchor and Exit Activities, the 5Es throughout each lesson, a lesson closure, and lesson extensions, A Yearly Pacing Guide is provided for each grade level.
Available on eAlpha – Our LMS
eAlpha connects students and teachers, offering them a collaborative, interactive, and mobile teaming environment that impacts every aspect of education. Features and benefits include:
- Easy to use and intuitive eLearning platform
- Allows you to work both online and offline with interactive content on any device
- Access all teacher guides, student books, practice and work books, ancillaries and assessments complete with full interactivity
- Navigate with ease through hyperlinked content pages
- Set assignments easily to whole classes or groups or individuals students
- Effortlessly monitor and report student progress
- Parent guides available