[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Zena Obeid, Trainer at Alpha Publishing I recently attended a thought-provoking workshop ‘Schools on Mars’ at ATÖLYE Dubai. Schools on Mars was imagined as an experiential space that offers …
An overview to English Vision programme, highlighting the key features and benefits. For more details please contact askme@alphapublishing.com
A video guide to assist parents navigate the eAlpha Mobile Learning Platform. It provides a detailed guide to help parents support their children to use the site and complete learning …
eAlpha has developed the following video guide to assist Arabic speaking parents navigate the eAlpha Mobile Learning Platform. It provides a detailed How to Guide to help parents support their …
eAlpha has developed the following video guide to assist Spanish speaking parents navigate the eAlpha Mobile Learning Platform. It provides a detailed How to Guide to help parents support their …
eAlpha has developed the following video guide to assist Arabic speaking parents navigate the eAlpha Mobile Learning Platform. It provides a detailed How to Guide to help parents support their …
Learn more about the purpose and benefits of using math manipulatives and how to help students develop conceptual understanding Work with tools and explore teaching and learning strategies to help …
Have a look at this fantastic resource list for schools and teachers by KDSL Global; Our partners for providing Teacher Training and Professional Development Workshops for educators using and exploring …
Teaching 21st Century Skills: How the Fusion of Alpha Science, STEAM, and NGSS can Revolutionize Learning Do you want to know how to map Science Instruction with 21st Century skills …
Renowned ELT author, Cheryl Palin, was the sponsored presenter of Alpha Publishing at the 2017 edition of TESOL Arabia. Smart Education, as the exclusive distributor of Alpha Publishing products in …