KSAALT TESOL (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Association of Language Teachers), a non-profit professional service organization for English language teachers, was created in 2006 with a handful of dedicated educators who …
Oman International ELT Conference was founded in 2001 to serve as a professional forum for English language teachers and educators from around the world. The conference is held at Sultan …
The purpose of this summit is to inform participants about the new educational approaches and technological innovations and to ensure that there are various workshops on these topics. This summit …
TESOL Kuwait is a non-profit organization of teachers to speakers of other languages affiliated with the US-based TESOL International (46,000 members worldwide). We seek to improve the teaching and learning …
Come and visit our stand at the AdvancEd Global Conference 2019 – Jeddah and Riyadh 9 February 2019 Location: Jeddah International College, Jeddah, KSA Time: 12:00pm – 1:15pm Title: A …
Learners today are the leaders, thinkers, and doers of tomorrow. Their futures depend on decisions made and actions taken today. As educators, we are pillars, motivators, and accelerators in a …
Come and visit our stand at the Global Educational Supplies & Solutions (GESS) Wow Istanbul Conventional Centre, Turkey October 25-27, 2018 Stand # A-24 GESS offers educationalists exposure to …
As we prepare our students to be competitive we must consider new curriculum and practices that activate students’ desires to read like a detective and write like an investigative reporter. …
As we prepare our students to be competitive we must consider new curriculum and practices that activate students’ desires to read like a detective and write like an investigative reporter. …
Some learners prefer to learn by themselves in their own pace. Learning styles refer to the learner’s ability to perceive and process information in a learning situation. The ability to …