Alpha K Math
Grades K1 & K2
Alpha Math for Grades K1 and K2 is a comprehensive, CCSS-based approach to teaching math readiness skills to children in their first and second years of Kindergarten.
K1 is made up of four volumes that each cover one of the four K1 CCSS math domains. They teach numbers, addition and subtraction, size of objects, and shapes.
K2 has five volumes that each cover one of the five K2 CCSS math domains. They continue teaching numbers and delve deeper into addition and subtraction, measurements, and identification of shapes.

Key Features:
✅ Opportunity to connect math instruction to themes and other subjects
✅ Math flash cards for enriched learning experience
✅ Exercises and tips to support School-Home connection and parental involvement
✅ Step-by-step, scaffolded teaching instructions to gradually introduce concepts and plan lessons with ease
✅ ExamView assessment generator for creating, assigning, and scoring tests, quizzes, and more
✅ Available both online and offline on eAlpha, your dynamic and interactive Learning Management System
✅ Audio stories available on K2 Math
Program Components
Student Book
The colorful and beautifully illustrated Student Books are based on the domains of CCSS.
Alpha Kindergarten Math is presented in individual volumes for:
- Numbers 0 through 10
(Domain: Counting and Cardinality) - Adding and Subtracting
(Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking) - Big or Small, Short or Tall?
(Domain: Geometry) - All About Shapes
(Domain: Geometry) - Numbers Past 10
(Domain: Number & Operations in Base Ten) added in K2
The volumes are purposely not numbered to allow the teacher to decide the order of topics. The organization of volumes according to CCSS domains provides great flexibility.

Practice Book
Each lesson is accompanied by extended in-class activities that children can complete independently or as homework. The easy-to-follow and fun practices enhance the concepts learned during the lesson and allow children to explore new ideas at their own pace.
The Practice Book covers all the CCSS domains and contains two pages of additional practice per lesson.
Teacher Guide
The spiral-bound Teacher Guide provides a wealth of background and support information to ensure success in the classroom.
Key features include:
Planners (Unit Plan and Lesson Plan); Chapter Support in the form of the Chapter Introduction; CCSS Guidance; list of suggestions for linking Math concepts and reading; School-Home Connection letter; Instructions for New Words; The Vocabulary In Use Cards; and further links to Math and Reading through the Math Story.
The wrap-around Teacher Guidance for each lesson includes:
Lesson Plan, with the CCSS-based objectives, materials list for the lesson, and vocabulary words; Concept Goals for what children should be able to do after the lesson; and
Instructions for Introducing and Elaborating on the lesson concept.
Unique to Alpha K Math is the inclusion of Active Involvement, activities that reinforce the lesson connecpt through some type of movement or engagement for children, and instruction for supporting English Language Learners.

Differentiated Anchor Activity Cards
Three fun differentiated activities that open each lesson and provide a preview of concepts covered within each volume.
Multiple Intelligences Cards
Suggestions for accommodating different learning styles in the classroom based on Howard Gardner’s Theory of 8 Multiple Intelligences.
Exit Cards
An end-of-lesson activity that can be used as a quick formative assessment to check students’ understanding.
Supplemental Cards
A set of useful and colorful supplementary flash cards are available for use at the teacher’s discretion. They include:
– Vocabulary in Use Cards – K1
– Vocabulary in Use Cards – K2
– Math Symbol Cards – K2
– Numbers Only Flash Cards (1 – 100) – K1 & K2
– Number Cards with Images (1-100, Multiple sets) – K1 & K2 Number Flash Cards (1-10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100) – K1 & K2
– Daily Routine Flash Cards – K1 & K2
Available on eAlpha – Our LMS
eAlpha connects students and teachers, offering them a collaborative, interactive, and mobile teaming environment that impacts every aspect of education. Features and benefits include:
- Easy to use and intuitive eLearning platform
- Allows you to work both online and offline with interactive content on any device
- Access all teacher guides, student books, practice and work books, ancillaries and assessments complete with full interactivity
- Navigate with ease through hyperlinked content pages
- Set assignments easily to whole classes or groups or individuals students
- Effortlessly monitor and report student progress
- Parent guides available