NEW Alpha Handwriting – 3 level course for young learners

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’re excited to announce the launch of our new program Alpha Handwriting. A three-level course that provides a progression of skills for students to master handwriting. Delightfully illustrated, these fun handwriting books focus on letter, word, number, and basic punctuation formation.
Each level is broken down into easy-to-follow sections, with common everyday words, sentences, and prompts appropriate for early grades.
Each level includes
- Getting ready to write: posture, fine motor skills, and mechanics practice
- Both right- and left-handed writing positions
- Information for different line formations and practice in creating those lines and applying them to create letters and numerals
- Groups of letters arranged by similar formations and strokes. For example, students practice vertical lines with the letters Ll, Ii, Tt, Ff.
- Activities that allow students to work progressively though letter, word, and sentence formation
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